Real Estate Professionals

Approval on a Manufactured Home Foundation

On occasion, real estate professionals and their clients require the services of an engineer to address issues with the foundation of their manufactured homes. Unfortunately, it can be challenging to find engineers who are willing and able to help with these unique situations. At Hayman Engineering Inc., we specialize in manufactured housing, and we’re here to help. We offer expert engineering certification for FHA/HUD approval on manufactured home foundations, and we do it in a timely and cost-effective manner. You can easily submit orders directly through our website or contact us at 605-381-2254 with any questions you may have. Trust us to help you close your loans quickly and efficiently.

Expert Engineering Solutions

At Hayman Engineering Inc., we understand that real estate professionals and their clients often face unique challenges when it comes to the foundation of manufactured homes. That’s why we’re here to provide expert engineering solutions and support every step of the way. As a company that specializes in manufactured housing, we have the experience, knowledge, and skills needed to address a wide range of foundation issues quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively. Whether you need an engineering certification for FHA/HUD approval or simply need expert advice on your manufactured home foundation, Hayman Engineering Inc. is here to help.

You can submit orders directly on our website. Contact us with any questions at (605) 381-2254. We look forward to helping you close your loans quickly.